Wednesday 31 July 2024


 July! Time to celebrate Mum's 95th birthday .....
Unfortunately neither Linda or I could make it to Bundanoon this year to help Mum celebrate (and enjoy the lovely birthday cake!) but with Vivien and her computer in place we all enjoyed catching up via zoom - including Hayley from Queensland - Megan had to work so had a phone date with Nan. 
I have been Agatha Christie murder mystery I didn't have was found in an op shop and Perfect North was an interesting read based on a true story. 
Some stitching has also been happening..... an embroidery for a needle case. Not sure if I needed another needle case but am enjoying doing a small project and finally after SO many years I can't quite remember, all 44 stars and 88 hexagons are finally finished - this is what happens when one retires - you actually get to those UFOs that have been "hiding" in the numerous plastic tubs that seem to multiply!! 
Hopefully soon there will be some rows of this quilt also completed.....and who knows what else. I do have a "charity" quilt nearly finished but no photo yet.... perhaps for my next update? 
So that's been all for July - a rather quiet month - and now heading into August and more importantly Spring will not be far off!! Bring on the warmer weather!! 

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