Sunday 30 June 2024

And that was June.......

 Yes, here we are at the end of June already! Highlight for June was a very welcome visit from my sister, Linda, who decided to become a jet setter and fly from home (Port Macquarie) rather than undertake a long 2 day drive!! 

Linda spent nearly 2 weeks visiting but amazingly we did very little over that time.... apart from stitching together, reading, and just "chilling out"! We didnt even visit any local patchwork shops! Linda decided going through my stash was as good as any visit to a patchwork shop! I did pass on a few fabrics I could part with! Linda also decided to start counting up all my unfinished projects - the number was quite staggering - that's all I'm saying! 
I have now finished all 44 stars and have now started on the 88 hexagons before joining them all together... all being done by hand its a great project to take to my patchwork group. 
Only book recently finished is another of my old Agatha Christie murder mysteries. 
All too soon Linda's visit came to an end .....I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy seeing her pack ready for the flight home.....
So.... we headed off to the local airport and said our goodbyes with the plan being more flights down south .... now I must return the visit and fly up north! 

A short post this time but..... it does keep me up to date! 

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