Welcome to Winter and welcome back to my "yarns'! Yes, it has been a while but then again not a lot has really been happening.... nothing exciting like overseas trips which seem to be the expected news from retirees. So, here's a bit of an update before too much time slips away....
Earlier in the year I had my very old kitchen (30+ years) updated from this.....

to this.......
Then in mid March James's parents came out from England for a few weeks visit - escape the late Winter of England. Megan & James took them on a road trip which included a visit to me and also a very welcome visit to my Mum up in Bundanoon.....

March was a busy month for Megan and James as they also bought their first home... great excitment for them and a proud Mum here!! And then 2 little ginger rascals joined them not long after.....

Hayley has also been keeping busy up north... competing (and finishing) her first ocean swim off Coolangatta .... and I think I have mentioned before that she has taken up painting? Well, she continues to find time with working to keep creating and has actually sold quite a few paintings and has had some exhibited in galleries.....

This year I didn't go up to Bundanoon at Easter but my sister, Vivien and her gorgeous dog, Sandy with her bunny ears, called in to see Mum.

The Mother's Day weekend was so wet with heavy rain that Mum was more than happy to know that we weren't on the road in such terrible weather so Vivien took her computer into Mum and we zoomed together..... Mum, Vivien, Linda, Hayley and myself....unfortunately Megan was unable to joing us as she had to work......photo here also of Mum looking lovely in her new lavender cardigan......

Meanwhile I have been busy reading.... a few of my latest reads - there have been others but these were some of the favourites.....

I was always a great fan of Agatha Christie mysteries and this biography was a great read which led me on to re-read "Murder of Roger Ackroyd" which apparently Agatha thought one of the best she wrote - it did have a surprise ending!

My Blog book arrived earlier this year. This one covers 3 years from 2021 - 2022 - 2023....it's always great to read back over the years!!

I now belong to 2 patchwork groups and go to 2 embroidery groups.... this keeps me busy and am trying to finish things now rather than start new....sometimes a bit hard when tempted by so many new things I'd like to start..... so a few photos of finished projects - though not big at least finished.....

The embroidery on this pillow was started years ago (!!) but as I've been going to the embroidery groups have only worked on finishing the embroidery - nothing else!
And not to be forgotten - I have finally finished all 44 diamonds now and about to start on the 88 hexagons then to put it all together but will get this too finished!!
Just before finishing will have to add that I've had a lovely visit - if somewhat short - this weekend from Megan and James. They drove down to pick up some of their furniture - and numerous bits and pieces as you can see by their packed van - which had still been in storage down here - thankfully not in my garage.....
So that brings me up to date but will be back before we get to Spring!!