August and September have been a couple of quiet sort of months..... just doing the usual - a bit of stitching, reading and out and about walking.......
Only after reading Jeffrey Archer's "Only Time Will Tell" way back in June did I discover it was the 1st of 7 books called the Clifton Chronicles so have been binge reading the remaining 6 with the exception of a couple of other books in between....
Photos are not in order of reading and forgot to take a photo of the 1st book called "Only Time will Tell"..... supported our local library by borrowing all except 2 and those were bought from a book fair.
On the creativity side of things I have so many projects on the go I would have to dedicate a whole blog to just those so here's just a few that I am currently taking to my various patchwork and embroidery groups to work on as they are portable......
Another project using embroidery and felt....Rows are gradually coming together in this EPP project....
A x-stitch project started quite some time ago but soon to be finished!!
I have had a finish - somewhat small but a finish it is.... these glasses cases made for the trading table at our patchwork groups Spring Fair and Morning Tea.
As the days have been warming up - though there have been some very cold snaps in between - I have been adding beach walks into my weekly activities.......
I recently headed up to the Southern Highlands to catch up with my sister and Mum but also to attend the 70th birthday of a long-time friend, Alison - we have known each other for about 50 years having started work together. Our other friend, Debbie, also came and she had a photo of the 3 of us from 1978!
Alison, me, Debbie - 1978
Me, Alison (right) and Debbie sitting - 2024
And that's about all for the last couple of months - just to end with a picture of Miss Dora asleep in her usual afternoon sunny spot ......
.....and some "happy" flowers that greet me everytime I head out the front door.... a definite sign that Spring is in the air!!