Monday 30 September 2024

A bit of this and that......

August and September have been a couple of quiet sort of months..... just doing the usual - a bit of stitching, reading and out and about walking.......

Only after reading Jeffrey Archer's "Only Time Will Tell" way back in June did I discover it was the 1st of 7 books called the Clifton Chronicles so have been binge reading the remaining 6 with the exception of a couple of other books in between.... 

Photos are not in order of reading and forgot to take a photo of the 1st book called "Only Time will Tell"..... supported our local library by borrowing all except 2 and those were bought from a book fair. 
On the creativity side of things I have so many projects on the go I would have to dedicate a whole blog to just those so here's just a few that I am currently taking to my various patchwork and embroidery groups to work on as they are portable......
Another project using embroidery and felt....
Rows are gradually coming together in this EPP project....
A x-stitch project started quite some time ago but soon to be finished!! 
I have had a finish  -  somewhat small but a finish it is.... these glasses cases made for the trading table at our patchwork groups Spring Fair and Morning Tea.
As the days have been warming up - though there have been some very cold snaps in between - I have been adding beach walks into my weekly activities.......
I recently headed up to the Southern Highlands to catch up with my sister and Mum but also to attend the 70th birthday of a long-time friend, Alison  - we have known each other for about 50 years having started work together. Our other friend, Debbie,  also came and she had a photo of the 3 of us from 1978! 
Alison, me, Debbie - 1978
Me, Alison (right) and Debbie sitting - 2024
And that's about all for the last couple of months - just to end with a picture of Miss Dora asleep in her usual afternoon sunny spot ......
.....and some "happy" flowers that greet me everytime I head out the front door.... a definite sign that Spring is in the air!!