Sunday, 31 March 2019

The End of March

A rather brisk morning for the last day of March!! An early morning hot cup of tea and Dora seeking out a sunny lap.....
....not much room for stitching there but a little reading was being done..... 
Unfortunately not a lot to report on for my Stitch Therapy 365 .... since I joined I should be up to day 56 (!) and have only completed 4.... but did find another sunny spot later in the morning and managed to get a bit further (the gap in the middle is an applique which is nearly ready to be added) 
Knitting though does seem to be moving along with one sleeve finished and the second nearly half way!.... 
The show I'm stage managing is now under way.... we had 4 shows this weekend and next weekend another 4.... then after a couple of months of rehearsals and the actual show finished I will have my weekends back and perhaps I'll whizz through my Stitch Therapy 365 (should be calling it "Slow Stitching"!)..... get my garden into order, etc, etc....maybe even look through my many "to do" projects and start something else? 

I'll finish off with a photo taken this morning...... bulbs which usually appear in Spring! Even the plants seem to be a bit confused with the weather!
Happy Stitching

Sunday, 10 March 2019

A Bit of This and That

Time for an update......not that there has been a lot happening!......Megan received her knitted scarf and told me it will definitely get worn as their Winter days are still quite cool ..... and her, and her partner, are shortly off to Scotland for a couple of weeks where it is even colder!! 
Meanwhile..... I am stage managing another show for the theatre which has a wonderful cast of only 10 aged from 14 to around 30 something.....we are still in rehearsal mode but does involve "homework" as I work out how back stage will run  smoothly.....
Spare moments have been found to finish reading another book........was OK but had quite   a few characters with similar names and jumped back and forth from 1911 to 2010 and must say I did at times get confused with who was who!
There have been some cooler nights so last year's knitting project re-surfaced and the sleeves for the jumper (for myself) were started - back and front having being finished last year.... a finish for this Winter?... Perhaps! (Not quite as blue as this photo shows it to be!)
And..... over a month ago I joined up with "Hugs & Kisses" project "Stitch Therapy 365" - doing one embroidery a day on a pre-printed panel. Well.....first I procrastinated on whether to use the stabiliser I had purchased, sought advice, decided to use another one, then lost my enthusiasm (mojo?) to start....So... theoretically I should be on Day 39 (from when I joined) but realistically I'm just starting on Day 1!! 
So..... time to have a cup of tea and find a new book to read? ... Perhaps a few rows of knitting?  Or catch up with some stitching?..... Decisions, decisions!!

Happy Stitching!