Saturday 12 October 2024

Farewell Miss Dora


A few days ago (9th October) my beautiful and affectionate Miss Dora left on her "forever journey"..... she had been a part of my life for the past 14 years. Dora was my shadow, my companion and as my daughters referred to "Mum's little flat mate". 
I will forever miss my much loved Dora
"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose.
All that we love deeply becomes a part of us"
(Helen Keller)

Monday 30 September 2024

A bit of this and that......

August and September have been a couple of quiet sort of months..... just doing the usual - a bit of stitching, reading and out and about walking.......

Only after reading Jeffrey Archer's "Only Time Will Tell" way back in June did I discover it was the 1st of 7 books called the Clifton Chronicles so have been binge reading the remaining 6 with the exception of a couple of other books in between.... 

Photos are not in order of reading and forgot to take a photo of the 1st book called "Only Time will Tell"..... supported our local library by borrowing all except 2 and those were bought from a book fair. 
On the creativity side of things I have so many projects on the go I would have to dedicate a whole blog to just those so here's just a few that I am currently taking to my various patchwork and embroidery groups to work on as they are portable......
Another project using embroidery and felt....
Rows are gradually coming together in this EPP project....
A x-stitch project started quite some time ago but soon to be finished!! 
I have had a finish  -  somewhat small but a finish it is.... these glasses cases made for the trading table at our patchwork groups Spring Fair and Morning Tea.
As the days have been warming up - though there have been some very cold snaps in between - I have been adding beach walks into my weekly activities.......
I recently headed up to the Southern Highlands to catch up with my sister and Mum but also to attend the 70th birthday of a long-time friend, Alison  - we have known each other for about 50 years having started work together. Our other friend, Debbie,  also came and she had a photo of the 3 of us from 1978! 
Alison, me, Debbie - 1978
Me, Alison (right) and Debbie sitting - 2024
And that's about all for the last couple of months - just to end with a picture of Miss Dora asleep in her usual afternoon sunny spot ......
.....and some "happy" flowers that greet me everytime I head out the front door.... a definite sign that Spring is in the air!! 

Wednesday 31 July 2024


 July! Time to celebrate Mum's 95th birthday .....
Unfortunately neither Linda or I could make it to Bundanoon this year to help Mum celebrate (and enjoy the lovely birthday cake!) but with Vivien and her computer in place we all enjoyed catching up via zoom - including Hayley from Queensland - Megan had to work so had a phone date with Nan. 
I have been Agatha Christie murder mystery I didn't have was found in an op shop and Perfect North was an interesting read based on a true story. 
Some stitching has also been happening..... an embroidery for a needle case. Not sure if I needed another needle case but am enjoying doing a small project and finally after SO many years I can't quite remember, all 44 stars and 88 hexagons are finally finished - this is what happens when one retires - you actually get to those UFOs that have been "hiding" in the numerous plastic tubs that seem to multiply!! 
Hopefully soon there will be some rows of this quilt also completed.....and who knows what else. I do have a "charity" quilt nearly finished but no photo yet.... perhaps for my next update? 
So that's been all for July - a rather quiet month - and now heading into August and more importantly Spring will not be far off!! Bring on the warmer weather!! 

Sunday 30 June 2024

And that was June.......

 Yes, here we are at the end of June already! Highlight for June was a very welcome visit from my sister, Linda, who decided to become a jet setter and fly from home (Port Macquarie) rather than undertake a long 2 day drive!! 

Linda spent nearly 2 weeks visiting but amazingly we did very little over that time.... apart from stitching together, reading, and just "chilling out"! We didnt even visit any local patchwork shops! Linda decided going through my stash was as good as any visit to a patchwork shop! I did pass on a few fabrics I could part with! Linda also decided to start counting up all my unfinished projects - the number was quite staggering - that's all I'm saying! 
I have now finished all 44 stars and have now started on the 88 hexagons before joining them all together... all being done by hand its a great project to take to my patchwork group. 
Only book recently finished is another of my old Agatha Christie murder mysteries. 
All too soon Linda's visit came to an end .....I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy seeing her pack ready for the flight home.....
So.... we headed off to the local airport and said our goodbyes with the plan being more flights down south .... now I must return the visit and fly up north! 

A short post this time but..... it does keep me up to date! 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Welcome to Winter!

Welcome to Winter and welcome back to my "yarns'! Yes, it has been a while but then again not a lot has really been happening.... nothing exciting like overseas trips which seem to be the expected news from retirees. So, here's a bit of an update before too much time slips away....

Earlier in the year I had my very old kitchen (30+ years) updated from this..... 

to this.......
Then in mid March James's parents came out from England for a few weeks visit - escape the late Winter of England. Megan & James took them on a road trip which included a visit to me and also a very welcome visit to my Mum up in Bundanoon.....
March was a busy month for Megan and James as they also bought their first home... great excitment for them and a proud Mum here!! And then 2 little ginger rascals joined them not long after..... 
Hayley has also been keeping busy up north... competing (and finishing) her first ocean swim off Coolangatta .... and I think I have mentioned before that she has taken up painting? Well, she continues to find time with working to keep creating and has actually sold quite a few paintings and has had some exhibited in galleries..... 
This year I didn't go up to Bundanoon at Easter but my sister, Vivien and her gorgeous dog, Sandy with her bunny ears, called in to see Mum. 
The Mother's Day weekend was so wet with heavy rain that Mum was more than happy to know that we weren't on the road in such terrible weather so Vivien took her computer into Mum and we zoomed together..... Mum, Vivien, Linda, Hayley and myself....unfortunately Megan was unable to joing us as she had to here also of Mum looking lovely in her new lavender cardigan......
Meanwhile  I have been busy reading.... a few of my latest reads - there have been others but these were some of the favourites.....
 I was always a great fan of Agatha Christie mysteries and this biography was a great read which led me on to re-read "Murder of Roger Ackroyd" which apparently Agatha thought one of the best she wrote - it did have a surprise ending!
My Blog book arrived earlier this year.  This one covers 3 years from 2021 - 2022 -'s always great to read back over the years!!
I now belong to 2 patchwork groups and go to 2 embroidery groups.... this keeps me busy and am trying to finish things now rather than start new....sometimes a bit hard when tempted by so many new things I'd like to start..... so a few photos of finished projects - though not big at least finished.....
The embroidery on this pillow was started years ago (!!) but as I've been going to the embroidery groups have only worked on finishing the embroidery - nothing else!
And not to be forgotten - I have finally finished all 44 diamonds now and about to start on the 88 hexagons then to put it all together but will get this too finished!!
Just before finishing will have to add that I've had a lovely visit - if somewhat short - this weekend from Megan and James.  They drove down to pick up some of their furniture - and numerous bits and pieces as you can see by their packed van - which had still been in storage down here - thankfully not in my garage.....
So that brings me up to date but will be back before we get to Spring!!